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29 October 2005

So Much Bread

Mum and I have so much bread at the moment. It's brilliant. We had a bagel and croissant for breakfast this morning, and there are still three sour dough loaves left and other bread left too. I'm finding that deciding which to eat for lunch is a little overwhelming. It's already 3:48 and I haven't starting making it. But gee will it be grand when I do.

And also, I won two of my three chess games at Rough Edges last night. I sured showed those old, homeless guys who was boss. Rough Edges is so much fun. I chatted to a guy last night for ages about how Australia is being invaded by black muslims. I invited him to start going to mosques with me to attempt to inform ourselves and talk with some muslim folk to see if they really do hate everyone as much as the government says and if they do hate everyone to find out why they do so that everyone can stop doing whatever it is that is so annoying. He wasn't that keen on the idea.


  1. Are you really going to a mosque? That would be so daunting. I love Rough Edges too.

    gem / 6:21pm / 29 October 2005

  2. I want to. But Tom pointed at that we’d have to ask some Muslim people if it was OK if we visited. Which might make it more tricky. Damn that pragmatic Tom.

    Ryan / 5:16pm / 30 October 2005

  3. If you tell them you are thinking of converting you could get away with it. Although I can’t quite see you praying five times a day.

    gem / 4:39pm / 31 October 2005

  4. That would work well, except I’m not thinking about converting. I should start thinking about converting perhaps. Just so I can say it. Who knows? Maybe they could persuade me.

    Ryan / 10:15am / 1 November 2005

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