

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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22 November 2005

Chavez profits on oil deal with American poor

Hugo Chavez has just arrange a deal to provide heating oil to a bunch of poor families in America for a heavy discount. Oil prices have gone up a lot in the past little while, and a lot of families can't afford the to buy it. So Chavez is selling some of his cheap oil to them. What a bastard!

If you didn't know how keen Chavez was to use his oil to help everyone, then you'd think it was purely political. But he's been selling cheap oil to the poor in other countries too, and no one talks about it. I'm no supporters of pseudo-democracies, but all us western democracies only do a marginally better job of representative government. If you look at what it is, and not what it claims to be, then perhaps there isn't much difference.


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