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2 December 2005

Very Marginal Style

Thanks to Alistapart and their swanky two-column fluid CSS layout tutorial, Fatvegan is now table-free. It's not any faster, or better in any way really. In fact, the divs now go about 6 levels deep, which sucks. And I had to use negative margins, which is rather dodgy and not in spirit of stylesheets. I only got rid of my tables to be more "pure". They worked fine. So I've swapped one disatisfying solution for another. But at least I'm using the same disatisfying solution as all the markup snobs, so they'll no longer mock me behind my back - you know who you are. I know you're out there... mocking me quietly. With your secret trackback networks and your CSS 4 compatible layout.

I despise you, and yet I want to be one of you. Oh cruel, unflinching web standards; how can we be one when you divide us so pitilessly?


  1. oh… brilliant! I have been trying to build that myself for my blog, but couldn’t get it perfect, I also will use that code. Cheers!

    James C / 8:15pm / 3 December 2005

  2. Such a simple thing. Yet so damn hard to do in CSS.

    Ryan / 7:42am / 4 December 2005

  3. This layout doesn’t require 6 levels of divs or negative margins.

    Willem / 9:49pm / 5 December 2005

  4. I thought it did need negative margins in order to be fluid. Not sure about the div levels. They sure look pretty superfluous to me, but who am I to question.

    Ryan / 10:28am / 6 December 2005

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