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2 December 2005

Why, It’s Harry Potter

Lib and I, and some guys went to see Harry Potter last night at Westfield. They'd made Westfield all Christmassy, and there were all these people hanging around listening to Police Carol Singers, and to watch the fireworks which were fun. They were super loud, and I was kind of scared, so I was a bit worried about the 3000 small children running around the place. They've probably all got permanent hearing damage and represent Westfield's future personal liability lawsuits. But it was fun to be so close to the works. We could even hear the smoke whoosh as the plockets shot up.

It's all very bizarre when Westfield tries to make things community spirited, but I like it a lot. It makes me happy.

And so does Harry Potter. It was a great film. So enjoyable and exciting. And Ralph Fiennes was a good Voldemort. Lib and I saw Red Dragon the other day, and he was good in that. When we first saw Voldemort on the screen, Lib joking chuckled to me "Looks like Ralph Fiennes." Neither of use knew that she was right. I don't know how she could tell. Even when he started talking I didn't work it out.

I liked the dragon fight, but I wished that we'd seen everyone's fight and not just Harry's. I like the underwater bit also. As with the book, I found it was strange that Moody had never actually been Moody. Luckily I'd forgotten what happened in the book, so it was still a surprise. I loved the bridges in this one - both the one Harry's dragon crashed into, and the metal one that Harry and Hermione talked on. Bridges make me really excited and that made me want to go to Hogwarts more than anything else.

I liked the third Harry Potter more than this. But I liked this more than the first two. Yes. And I still like all the films more than the two books I've read. They're good films.


  1. I like Harry Potter too. And I liked the film. And I didn’t know it was Ralph either. But Hogwarts is good. Yes it is.

    Jem? / 8:06pm / 2 December 2005

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