

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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4 December 2005

Money Over People

When people put money before people, it really just means they're putting themselves before other people. Money gets a really bad wrap a lot of the time, which I don't think it deserves. Money is a much better way of letting poor people hold assets than other sorts. It's anonymous and easy to hide, so it's much harder for the powerful to take it from them. Much better than land or expensive vases.


  1. so it’s the love of money being the root of all evil, not money itself

    james c / 7:35pm / 4 December 2005

  2. Not even. People don’t love money, unless they’re mentally unwell. They love themselves. You could have exactly the same evil without money at all. In fact, I think it would be worse.

    Ryan / 10:28pm / 4 December 2005

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