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26 March 2006

Happy with Bob

Bob makes me so happy. I was talking with someone the other day about how good he was. They were talking about how good his lyrics were, and how pervasive the music had become. If you just forget about his voice. I said "No." It was awkard for a moment. I suspect they were worried they'd run into one of those fans you hear about, the sort willing to lose friendships and debate issues over many decades with the remaining friends. I sort of hope I become one of those fans. Fortunately, I'd only just met this person, so neither of us were that upset when I called the conversation to a halt and graciously left the room.


  1. I’m one of those fans and if you ever need assistance in one of those conversations don’t hesitate to call and put them on the line… ;) BTW, I also really like David’s latest blog consisting of the line “Bob Dylan is a genius”. Now that is the perfect place to start and finish every conversation. It has within it the arc of the whole world…………

    Steve Bevis / 7:45pm / 28 March 2006

  2. I wish I could write a Bob song, because I think it’s the only form of communication perfect enough to capture everything I need to say about him.

    Ryan / 2:17pm / 7 April 2006

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