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12 April 2006

Flexibility is the key

In October 1994, anxious to intimidate the allies and the UN into lifting sanctions on Iraq. Saddam Hussein mobilized his forces on Kuwait’s border. Within 72 hours thousands of U.S. troops, ships, planes, missiles, etc. were either in the theater or on the way, leading Iraq to retreat. This episode shows the importance of flexible organization. Although U.S. forces are undoubtedly technologically superior and forward deployed against just this possibility, their ability to deploy as a combined force on land, sea, and air within 72–96 hours sufficed to deter Iraq. Stephen J. Bank

I don't think this little anecdote says anything about the value of "flexibility". I think it says a lot about spending more money than your enemy on guns (by a factor of thousands I'd guess). I don't think Saddam moved his troops there because he didn't think the US would be able to stop him. I reckon he did it because he hoped they wouldn't bother. It was a bluff, that cost America a lot of money, but gave them a chance to "project their power" or whatever it is those crazy kids like to do.

  • 11:35am
  • War


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