

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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21 April 2006


I reckon Allofmp3 is one of the best designed sites I've ever used. It's so simple, and it looks so good in every browser. I don't think I've ever had it go wrong either. It's just an all round great business model, that's implemented perfectly. Apart from the whole legality issue of course.


  1. Mmmmm…usability

    Jem / 11:16am / 21 April 2006

  2. Usability is almost as nice as mushrooms.

    Ryan / 1:07pm / 21 April 2006

  3. It is also an ethical dilemma too!

    Tony Martin / 10:22am / 4 May 2006

  4. It certainly is. Although it will become much more of a dilemma if the online music shops change the protections that make it so hard to move music around. I tried to buy some once, but I couldn’t work out how to copy it to my other computer, even though you’re technically allowed to.

    Ryan / 2:25pm / 4 May 2006

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