

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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19 May 2006

Compulsory Voting

Voting should be compulsory. Voting is the cost of living in a society that is a democracy. The cost is a couple of hours of our time every few years. The benefit would be worth more, I believe, than the most of us would earn in many years. I think the people who do vote could remind everyone of its value by boycotting an election one year, and letting us all see the mess power vacuums make of the world.


  1. Amen brother. Though I didn’t vote in the last election. I couldn’t make it to a voting place in time.

    David / 2:26pm / 19 May 2006

  2. the UK doesn’t have compulsory voting, and no one has given me a decent reason why. They crap on about their right to abstain from voting, but we have that right in Oz, you just turn up, tick your name and go home. Most people really just couldn’t be arsed to go to the polling stations and vote once every few years.

    It means that vocal minorities who vote get an undemocratic share of the vote, like the fascist Brittish National party who got a large number of seats in the recent local elections.

    James Clarke / 8:59am / 21 May 2006

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