

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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26 May 2006

Europe is Poorly

Output growth in the core of Europe, the Euro-area, has been well below that of the U.S. and Asia for some time now, including on a per-capita basis. ... The flip-side of this weak growth, of course, has been high unemployment�in the 8-percent range in recent years, with only moderate improvement in sight. The picture looks even dimmer when one considers the related but more economically relevant concept of labor utilization, where the core of Europe is showing a steady decline in the number of hours worked per person, both in absolute terms and relative to the other two engines of world growth�the U.S. and Asia. IMF Speech

Do they not understand that Europeans apparently want to work less? If they've made a conscious choice to spend more time eating nice cheese, than how is that conceivably an "even dimmer" picture. The IMF can talk about how terrible it must be to live amongst all that delicious cheese and wine in Europe if they like, but if they go in and screw things up I'm going to be very annoyed. I might have to move there if John wins again.


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