

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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25 June 2006

No milk today

I haven't any soy milk. Nor have I any money to buy more. No tea til Tuesday it seems.

Unless I could visit someone with milk. I'll have to think on that for a while. The community house would seem like the obvious choice. They may start to suspect me if I show up there every few hours, make some tea and then leave. I need a group of houses that I can move around between to reduce the chance of being discovered.

  • 10:28am
  • Tea


  1. Why don’t you try black tea? It can be quite nice sometimes, and you can try it with sugar. That flowery stuff in the yellow tin from Yee Ling is pretty good black.

    Libby / 1:13pm / 25 June 2006

  2. Your blog tells lies. There is a comment. And it was mine.

    Libby / 2:34pm / 25 June 2006

  3. I found out that you can get credit card cash advances for real cheap, and I was able to buy some milk. And cream for scones too.

    Ryan / 6:17pm / 25 June 2006

  4. And your comment was waiting for approval because WordPress thought you were a spammer.

    Ryan / 6:17pm / 25 June 2006

  5. I drink it like coffee.

    “That coffee?”
    “No, it’s tea.”

    Wil / 6:30pm / 25 June 2006

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