

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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27 June 2006


Why would anyone use it? It's an awful, awful thing. Ugly. Reminds me of Hornsby Slot Cars. I can't figure out how to use it. It's slow. Um. Yep. Just horrible.

  • 8:13pm
  • Web


  1. Do not underestimate the stupidity of people.


    Willem / 8:14pm / 27 June 2006

  2. is it easy to use?

    ben / 8:32pm / 27 June 2006

  3. Also, how did you come across Hornsby slotcars?

    ben / 8:33pm / 27 June 2006

  4. I don’t how easy the management is. I wouldn’t think so, given how bad the front end is.

    I came across the Hornsby Slot Cars site a few years ago. I think they somehow know my boss.

    Ryan / 9:07pm / 27 June 2006

  5. yes!! i totally agree with you. it’s dog ugly. and yet everyone loves it. it’s the next best thing since the animated gif.

    chris / 10:38pm / 27 June 2006

  6. is ur boss part of the slot car dream team

    Anmol / 2:00am / 28 June 2006

  7. I think my boss has aspirations, but he isn’t quite up to their standards yet.

    Ryan / 8:48am / 28 June 2006

  8. i went to hornsby slot cars once. It was a bit dingy

    howie / 11:11am / 28 June 2006

  9. Yeah. The slot car racing and Budgiewoi was heaps better. The cars always fall off at Hornsby. Or is that half the fun?

    Ryan / 11:19am / 28 June 2006

  10. nah i dont think you want them falling off, i think its much more fun when they stay on the track. but then again i dont really find slot cars all that exciting. But model trains now they are cool.

    howie / 1:16pm / 28 June 2006

  11. how abt create a train racing tracks, with heaps of charged up trains and weird bendy it howie’s hornsby slot trains or jst slot trains

    Anmol / 11:59pm / 28 June 2006

  12. maybe instead call it when trains go crazy or when trains go OUT OF CONTROL

    Anmol / 12:00am / 29 June 2006

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