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5 August 2006

Clearing Missing Files in iTunes

I spent a long time trying to figure out how to get rid of a whole bunch of missing songs without trashing the whole library and losing play lists. You can't sort by the "exclamation mark" column to delete them all at once, and the alternative appeared to be deleting each one manually. But the trick is to highlight the whole library, then right click and choose Get Info. This will let you set some feature on every song in the collection, so choose something that isn't important. And make sure it's something you can sort by (although I think you can sort by everything). It will take a while to go through every file and set the attribute. Once it's done you can sort by the value. The songs that are missing won't have the attribute set because iTunes couldn't find the file. Then you can clear all the missing songs at once.


  1. My god what a hack.

    Wil / 7:29pm / 6 August 2006

  2. Yup. But I reckon it saved me half an hour of clicking.

    Ryan / 11:05am / 7 August 2006

  3. You’d think they, what with all the OSX consistency and attention to detail, that you could sort the Missing column.

    Willem / 10:39pm / 7 August 2006

  4. thank you. thank you. thank you.

    ariana / 6:20am / 1 June 2007

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