

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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14 August 2006

Magical Three

Three isn't a very good phone company. My phone was disconnected for four weeks during June and July, and I wasn't able to work out why. Then I figured it out and paid them some money for something. Three weeks later they reconnected it. And I was happy. But the next day I got SMSes telling me they'd disconnect my account. So I called them, but it was all OK they said - I wouldn't be disconnected. The SMSes stopped. For two lovely weeks a called my friends and life was good. Then my phone stopped working again. I would have called the company, but my phone was disconnected so I couldn't. When I did call them, they said they didn't know why I was disconnected, but I would have to call some other people the next day because it was their fault. They offered to call me back, but when I gave them my mobile number they said they couldn't call me back because the phone was disconnected. This morning I spent a healthy amount of time on our enigmatic home phone, trying to connect and understand the various people who were talking to me. When I finally got to the person I needed to talk to, the home phone hung up and gave me some merry high-pitched whirring noises. I decided to go to work and call from there. I just did and they said the problem was all sorted out. I tested my phone and it worked. I was happy. I asked them why it had stopped working. They said they didn't know. I asked who I should call if it happens again. They said they were the people to call.

Only four months until my contract ends. I might throw a little tea party or something.


  1. call it throw away the 3phone party in there face, only kidding abt in there face part

    Anmol / 12:21pm / 15 August 2006

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