For as long as I can remember I have weighed 64kg. Before I was vegan, while and was vegan and since I stopped being vegan. Always 64kg exactly.
But after my knees going bung, and the physio telling me my skinniest was bad for my joints, I decided I'd start eating more to put on weight. And it worked! I officially weigh 70kg. Hurray.
you fat bastard!
howie / 11:03am / 16 August 2006
Oh my. I also weight ±65.
But how can that be? Do fat cells lubricate the joints?
Wil / 1:43am / 17 August 2006
I don’t think so. But I think that as you get fatter you also put on muscle, which is what I need. Apparently my tendons are doing a lot of the work that my muscles would do if I had any.
Ryan / 1:47pm / 17 August 2006
But muscles sit snugly between two tendons.
The workload distribution you describe goes against physics!
Willem / 7:29pm / 21 August 2006
I could be getting muddled between tendons and ligaments. Or just generally muddled.
Ryan / 9:59pm / 21 August 2006
If you get fat, you’ll be muddled yourself.
Willem / 6:44pm / 22 August 2006