

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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28 August 2006

Smart Fish

There's an article about the cleverness of fish and how good they are at mazes and the like. The introduction said the findings could have an important impact on the way fishermen work. I was excited because I thought it might mean that fishermen would be kinder to fish. The whole fishing process horrifies me. The least bad way I've seen of killing fish is spear-fishing, and according to a spear fisherperson I know spear-fishing it isn't that good. Whether you're being dragged through the water by a hook through the most sensitive part of your body, or slowly suffocating on the deck of some trawler, I can't imagine the final moments of most tinned fishes is particularly fun.

So I read the article, and it turns out that the tests of intelligence will provide fisherman with a way of catching fish more effectively. They found out that fish have really long memories and can find holes in nets and work out how to escape from other situations. I thought that was really cool. The journalist reckons that means fishermen have to mend the holes in their nets. Stupid journalists. Stupid fishermen.


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