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8 September 2006

Prison Populations

I am curious about how much of the media-stereotyping of Lebanese is actually a stereotype. I had a quick look at some research, and it appears that the media are not entirely making it up. But there isn't anything that's very definitive. This table doesn't consider second-generation immigrants, so it's not enormously useful.

Table 1. Rates of Imprisonment by birthplace, 1997 (per '000 of population)
Birthplace               Rates of Imprisonment
Australia                1
UK/Eire                  0.6
N.Z                      1.6
Vietnam                  2.7
Greece                   0.5
Italy                    0.6
Turkey                   1.6
Lebanon                  2.0
Source: Collins, 2002


  1. Hello Mr Ryan,
    I sent you an email earlier in the week – did you get it?
    Oh, and the Lebanese make good bread, so they can stay in my opinion :)

    matt / 11:10am / 8 September 2006

  2. I agree. I very much hope they stay.

    Ryan / 4:30pm / 8 September 2006

  3. […] from the Middle East look bad aren’t to do with their culture. For instance, crime is a fair bit higher, and I think I have enough confidence in our legal system that the numbers aren’t biased […]

    Fat Vegan › Racist Right-wing Christians / 3:52pm / 17 March 2007

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