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10 September 2006

Wedding of Food

We went Robert and Jenny's wedding last night. The food was really good. There were heaps of vegetarian sandwiches, and awesome desserts. The wine was good too, although I heard that the bar tab ran out and the waiters got stressed. I, luckily, only had half of one [very large] glass, so I can't have contributed too much to that problem. Although I certainly made up for it with my antics later. I shouldn't forget to mention that mammoth plates of cheese and Steve and dad guarded carefully. I didn't eat the giant cheese though, because I was too frightened of eating rennet. So it was a pretty good wedding. Certainly better than Mil and Martin's where I didn't get any food because I was in the wrong room.

Apart from the food, one of my highlights was running with Hannah around Eden Gardens. Robert and Jenny definitely picked a fine place for a reception. So good for a game of hide and seek. Or paintball. Not that's an idea. Hannah doesn't really play hide and seek with me. She prefers less childish sorts of games. She often gets frustrated with me when I want to play in a puddle or explore some little nook. But she is patient.

Tom made a good speech. He's does that sort of thing well.

Oh yes, I have to talk about the best highlight. It was right at the end, when the caterers were packing up. We thought we'd steal a few of the sandwiches that were sitting around, because we were worried they'd get thrown out. I was trying to brainstorm better ways of packing large quantities than in napkins (which, for the record, will not fit any more than three medium-sized sandwiches). Eventually I found an enormous plastic bag, and started stacking them in it. I attempted to walk the very fine line between reasonable sandwich theft, and the large-scale, debauched sort which I may have been guilty of in the past. Thankfully, one of the catering women came out and told us to take as many as we could because they were going to get thrown out. The fine line instantly vanished, and I frenzily started stuffing sandwiches into that bag, oblivious to the appalled mockery of those around me. Chris also managed to squash some desserts into the bag, which I think had a stabilising, sort of binding effect protecting the sandwiches from dismemberment and spillage. Quickly the bag was stuffed to the brim, and we got ready to leave. As I was strolling out, trying to hide 3kg of sandwiches behind my back, one of the other caters came out and jokingly said "You're so bad." I laughed and said "Yeah, but they're just going to throw them out." He looked at me and I realised quite rapidly that he hadn't been joking. He looked me in the eye, said "They were going to the church", and then walked away. It was a dilemma. I could have put the squashed sandwich-desserts back, but the would have just been rude. So I decided to keep them. Although I had haunting thoughts that maybe he wasn't talking about an affluent Thornleigh church, where the sandwiches would have supplemented their gourmet morning tea danishes, but some poor indigenous church made up largely of malnourished children. But the human's powers of self-justification are excellent, and we all trotted off to the car, feeling very chuffed indeed. Especially Chris, because he is poor, and can't buy food.

Bugger. I just realised we didn't play any frisbee yesterday. That would have made the day absolutely perfect.


  1. dont feel bad the man probably just said that becasue he was angry that we didnt leave at 6pm.
    and anyway jenny and i didnt eat anything at the reception so you just took the stuff that we didnt eat.

    howie / 7:13pm / 10 September 2006

  2. there was a special wedding frisbee in the boot of michaels debeers car it even had a picture of a bride and groom on it.

    i forgot to tell michael to pull it out after the ceremony.

    howie / 9:13pm / 10 September 2006

  3. I am a donkey.

    Ryan / 11:59pm / 10 September 2006

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