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20 September 2006

Random scholarships

Wouldn't it be interesting to pick out students from high school at random and give them nifty university scholarships. The ones that got scholarships would be more likely to go to university, regardless of how clever or motivated they were. Then after 10 years you could go and see if they were making more money or being more productive or something. Then you'd know if university was useful or not. No one really knows if university is helpful. Economists kind of sort of think it's useful, but it's possible that university has no impact at all. Although even if university did earn you better money, it still might just be because you seem like a better proposition. Not because you actually are. So you wouldn't have all the answers. But at least you could say that university has more of an impact than just stealing the brightest kids from high school and then taking the credit for their brightness. Although now I think about it, you couldn't even do that. Those scholarship kids might simply get higher incomes because they went to the same institution that others smart kids went to. You'd need to use a university with no name brand recognition. Gee whiz. Practical economics sure is tricky. It's not wonder most economists focus on the impractical sort.


  1. ok. get me some scholarships shit nigga

    nick / 10:12pm / 16 October 2007

  2. how am i suppose to get a scholarship from here???

    cristina / 6:45am / 3 November 2007

  3. It may be tricky. I am not yet in charge of the country, but I will keep you posted.

    Ryan / 7:45am / 3 November 2007

  4. I would really appreciate a scolarship. =]

    Kristiana / 1:45am / 10 November 2007

  5. i would really like a scolarship to help with school!

    hayley / 5:28am / 12 December 2007

  6. If this does wat i think it does and gets me $$$ for college, I love every one of you!

    Jared Brewington / 8:23am / 31 December 2007

  7. I need money for college.

    Lauren / 5:49pm / 5 January 2008

  8. I hope you find some.

    Ryan / 7:40am / 6 January 2008

  9. So, i’m not actually sure what this website is actually for… i’m hoping it will get me a scholarship. It would be greatly needed and appreciated.

    Deanna / 11:35am / 1 March 2008

  10. I dont understand this site?

    Bailey / 3:12am / 22 April 2008

  11. I think it’s brilliant you’ve been thinking about random scholarships as well. It’s good to know that there are other people thinking about it besides myself. I agree though, people who have the money to go are more likely to.

    Gretchen / 2:28am / 17 June 2008

  12. I really need some scholarship money. I want to go to an expensive art school. Even though it is expensive I know that I’ll get the education I need to become successful.

    chyna Wheatley / 4:04am / 21 August 2008

  13. I need a scholarship to better myself and my family. If I could get a scholarship to a good college I’d take it in a heart beat.

    Jerry Twymon / 4:05am / 9 October 2008

  14. well i really need help with scholarships too
    helping me would be a complete delight
    it would also help me do what i have to do in my life to make myself a more well rounded person as well as a knowing more things in life

    brittany / 4:30am / 20 October 2008

  15. I cant go to college with out scholarships please help

    jamie / 4:35am / 22 October 2008

  16. right, well, with that being said, anyone who can link me to a sight that offers scholarships for vegans and isn’t ONLY oriented towards high school students, please hit me up.


    sarasponda / 7:26am / 5 December 2008

  17. Send me money! o yeh iam wanna go for law come on now

    lynnicia / 4:35am / 18 January 2009


    Courtney / 12:01am / 16 April 2010


    Matthew Benitez / 2:38pm / 28 June 2010

  20. Hi, i’ve been an active member of the vegan/vegetarian society for a long time and now its time to go to college. Participating and volunteering at farm sanctuary and other events such as the Walk for Farm animals was great and fun. But now im in need of scholarships to get into college so i can do more for the animals and myself. Please contact me for information on applicable scholarships. Thanks

    Hans-Sebastian / 4:35am / 7 September 2011

  21. I like yo mouse. It’s so hilarity ensuring.

    Anonymous / 1:30am / 21 November 2012

  22. I like yo mouse. It is hilarity ensuring.

    Suzshane / 1:32am / 21 November 2012

  23. Is there any scholarship for vegetarians? I’ve created a website to promote meditation and vegetarians diet.

    Suphaphan / 6:10am / 15 April 2013

  24. There probably are somewhere. I’ve never seen one though.

    Ryan / 1:50pm / 16 April 2013

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