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15 October 2006

Averting the Old Age Crisis

Averting the Old Age Crisis is the best thing I've ever read by the World Bank. I still disagree with most of it, but it's much more thoughtful and compassionate than most of the stuff I've read. Admittedly, the amount of World Bank propaganda I read has been steadily dropping as I've realised that they basically regurgitate the same ugly capitalist medicine in a million different places and forms.

But Estelle James I like.

Update: I don't like Estelle James anymore. I don't disagree with her more than I did before, but I've started to wonder what her motives are. I think she knows how bad her arguments against public pensions are, but doesn't care. I don't mind the idea of private superannuation accounts, but the government shouldn't subsidise them at all, and the poor should get government contributions paid into their own private accounts.

I can't believe that I didn't think it was the same ugly capitalist medicine, because it totally is. Although it still is the best thing I've seen the World Bank do.


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