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15 October 2006

Google Docs

Google have just released their online word processing app with their spreadsheet app. It also looks like they're attempting to compete with Flickr, although on first impressions I don't think they'll make a dent. But the new word processing is very sweet. It's simple and practical. And if they provide a good API, and allow developers to use the technology in applications it could be huge. None of the browser-based rich text editors are that good I don't think. And Google's one does revisions, which are enormously valuable for things like CMSes. If Google let's us use their interface for administration, and then allows read-only access to that data for other purposes, then I think it could really take off. It's also tops because I can finally lose Writeboard which is almost as annoying as it is nifty.

I'm going to use it to write the essay due on Friday. Testing beta software is so much more exciting when you're using real data.

Update: The revisions are beautiful. Revisions are recorded automatically and they're really simple to browse through.


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