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18 October 2006

All men are Muslims

“Pack rape of white girls is an initiation rite of passage for a small section of young male Muslim youth, said Jean Jacques Rassial, a psychotherapist at Villetaneuse University. ‘Fraternal bonding now dominates. It is the law of the gang, shorn of any sexual morals’, he said.�

Janet Albrechtsen made this claim in "Talking race not racism" from The Australian (which has since been removed). Unfortunately, she changed "girls" to "white girls" and "young male" to "young male Muslim". The Rassial fellow was rather unimpressed by her paraphrasing and said in response:

There is absolutely no connection between the cultural background, even less between the ethnic one, and this practice [of ritual gang rape].

Journalists like that Janet make me feel not so bad embarassed about all the bad left-wing journalism. And I love Media Watch despite their tendency to patronise people they disagree with.


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