

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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20 October 2006

Flights of Capital Fancy

Imagine that you lived in a poor nation and you happened to be lucky enough to have some wealth to invest; you might well decide that putting it in a safe country like the United States was your best option, even if capital is less valuable there than in your home country.

From Gregory Mankiw's Macroeconomics

This is the most compassionate explanation for capital flight I've ever heard. Mostly explanations consist of something like this:

Amoral fuckheads in the government, military or business community steal a shitload of money from the poor and/or some aid organisation and then send it overseas so it won't get stolen back.


  1. I like the second quote much better.

    David / 8:29pm / 20 October 2006

  2. It’s a fine line between amoral fuckhead and lucky. Capitalism is great that way.

    Ryan / 12:24pm / 21 October 2006

  3. The guy in the first quote is still an amoral fuckhead. :)

    Wil / 8:50am / 25 October 2006

  4. No, he’s just a macroeconomist. :)

    Ryan / 8:55am / 25 October 2006

  5. A financial coward!

    Wil / 7:51am / 26 October 2006

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