

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



Uptime verified by

25 October 2006


My conversation with Centrelink the other day went a bit like this.

Them: This document you've provided doesn't count. It's just a print out. Anyone could have made that up and printed it out.
Me: Those are the only records my boss has. Everything is kept in MYOB.
Them: You need to provide us with more proof than this.
Me: I've got everything from them that they have. They are happy to talk with you if you need to confirm this.
Them: Oh... we don't do that. It's up to you to provide us with the information. If we wanted to talk to your employer we would have just rung them in the first place.

I can't really blame them for being confused about my job. It just shows that freelance work and Centrelink shouldn't mix.

My uni income went up by $8.50 a fortnight the other week. My Centrelink went down by $7 a fortnight. Bum.


  1. That makes you $1.50 richer every fortnight!

    $1.50 a fortnight closer to faraway lands…
    (That may or may not begin with I and end in A)

    Libby / 2:07pm / 25 October 2006

  2. Yep. I’m grateful for that. I haven’t had to work any harder at all. It’s coffee a month. Who can complain.

    Ryan / 7:15pm / 25 October 2006

  3. Could you do a stat dec and ask a JP to sign the docs???

    lesley / 3:03pm / 28 October 2006

  4. Yeah. That might a good option. At the moment I think it’s going to be alright. They’re friendly enough.

    Ryan / 3:26pm / 28 October 2006

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