

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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6 November 2006

More like Stupid Bank

Usually, some pension is withdrawn once a relatively low earnings threshold is reached. These earnings tests can impose very high effective tax rates on working, ensuring that very few people work beyond a certain age.

Some countries have either eliminated or substantially diluted pension earnings tests as a way of encouraging older people to work. As with the actuarial adjustments, these reforms do not seem to have had much effect, usually because they apply at ages well after the majority has retired.

The World Bank

So they are saying that means testing stops old people from working. But when the means test is removed people don't go back to work. They sure are pretty keen to give everyone private savings accounts whether it makes sense or not. Why don't they just admit it? They hate poor people and want them all to suffer and die.


  1. What works for me is if they could do better they would.

    Anonymous / 3:47am / 8 June 2007

  2. What works for me, is, if they could do better they would. What I mean to say is that an omnivorous world (type person) cannot achieve the brain activity needed to understand the benefits of veganism.

    My question is, is there a graph or chart in actuarials that seperate vegans from omnivores? I’m sure we’d all like to prove that veganism when done right lengthens ones life.

    Anonymous / 3:53am / 8 June 2007

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