

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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8 November 2006

Gmail Ham

I currently have 794 caught spams in my Gmail spam box. That is the number of spam caught in the last 30 days. It's less than a third of the typical number from 12 months ago where it hovered around 2500. I have long wondered when spammers would catch on that Gmail (and probably Hotmail) addresses are no longer worth spamming. They would save themselves money and effort if they remove those domains from their lists.

I was totally convinced that this was why, but I checked and all my spam is sent to my work email address. So there must be another reason.


  1. I have 736 since 28/09/06

    emily / 3:49pm / 8 November 2006

  2. Wow. That’s heaps. You’d think that you’d been hanging out in seedy bars and giving your email address to every spammer that walked in.

    Ryan / 3:52pm / 8 November 2006

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