

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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6 December 2006

More virtual servers

I'm started renting a dandy server in America for $13 a month. It's pretty sweet. Full root access. 128MB ram. 5GB hard disk space. More bandwidth than you can poke a stick at. I moved this blog there yesterday, and it took all of about 10 minutes. I might move more important things there if all goes well.

One of the fun things is that you can install any of about 15 different Linux servers onto it with a little click. I've already been through two versions of Ubuntu and a version of Debian vanilla. I'm thinking I'll stick with Ubuntu Dapper now though. Seems pretty sweet. Lighttpd is finally in the repositories.


  1. Your site is so fast now.

    128MB should be enough for anyone. :)

    Wil / 8:45pm / 6 December 2006

  2. For sure. 128MB is heaps. It’s been hosted on 64MB for quite a few months, and it was pretty alright.

    And it actually would be faster for you. The latency is pretty bad from Australia because it’s one of those budget US servers. But it’s good enough.

    Ryan / 8:17pm / 7 December 2006

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