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8 December 2006

Six Figures

The former federal MP Pauline Hanson is in line for another six-figure payout courtesy of the tax-payer after declaring she will try again to re-enter Parliament.

"Hanson is back - and in for motza", Sydney Morning Herald

The media are so crap. Giving money to politicians who get a lot of public support is Australian law. It's how we try to stop rich people from buying the policies they want. Pauline Hanson has as much right to that money as anyone who is electorally popular. SMH claims all she has to do is get "just 4% of the primary vote". But that is a huge amount of support. Before the 2004 election the Greens only had 5% of the national primary vote.

I don't like the constant demonisation of people who vote for her either. But it's not just the media who does that. It's everybody.


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