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16 December 2006


Spun I also just saw. It was well cool. One of the strangest films I've ever seen. Rather bizarre seeing all these harmless actors suddenly pop up in a film like this. A little too lifted out of Requiem for a Dream but I think a lot better all the same. I don't really know if this film had a purpose. It wasn't anti-drug in the same way that other anti-drug films are. I didn't feel like I was being informed or appealed to. But I enjoyed it a lot and can't say I feel the same sense of dirtiness that other reviews I've read talk about. I didn't think the sex or the drugs were what was confronting about it. It was mostly just the characters and the weirdness of everything.


  1. […] in that jumpy way that everyone seems to like these days. A bit Requiemish, or probably closer to Spun […]

    Fat Vegan › Crank / 12:44pm / 20 May 2007

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