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4 January 2007

Clerks II

I went round to Libby, Alice and Laurence's house last night for their sci-fi night. Unfortunately we couldn't get the sci-fi to work so we rented some movies. While the other's watched Kenny I watched Clerks II on my own. It was very funny. It had all the signature Kevin Smith lameness which always manages to amuse me immensely. It's nearly all the same people who did the first Clerks and they're a bunch of freaks. This was a "Hollywood" movie so everything was shot nicely and it comes in this over-produced DVD with painfully daggy plot synopses and 4 hours of special features. But I'm so glad Hollywood encourages these sorts of people.

I started watching the director's commentary as well. It's the funniest commentary ever. They just spent the whole time insulting each other and the actors who weren't there.

I don't know many people who wouldn't be disgusted, but I thought it was great.


  1. You said yestersday that you were going to avoid DVD’s.

    emily / 1:48pm / 4 January 2007

  2. Yep. It was my last day.

    Ryan / 2:01pm / 4 January 2007

  3. I love you Ryan.

    David / 10:59pm / 7 January 2007

  4. […] about sex and actually had sex in it was a brave sort of thing to do. Talking about sex is easy. Clerks II talked a lot about it, and didn’t have any. It was a good film, but it feels kind of fake. It […]

    Fat Vegan › Apocalypto / 12:54am / 23 March 2007

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