

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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15 January 2007

Cambodia Budget

I've been very diligent about budgeting for Cambodia. After working out all my expenses and the income I'll get from Centrelink while I'm over there, I will have $6 left when I get home.


  1. Ryan, in case you don’t know, I am Tom’s grandfather. I am glad to hear you are going to Cambodia, a fascinating country with wonderful people. I been there (see webpage reference) and would be pleased to talk to you about the place if you think it would be useful to you. What’s more I would like to send something to my friend and driver, who might also be of assistance to you. If you would like to drom me an email with your phone number we could make arrngements for you and your travelling companion to come and see us in Chatswood and we could have a chat.

    Steve / 6:23pm / 16 January 2007

  2. Thanks for the offer Steve. Your comment was stuck in my spam queue for the past little while. I am leaving on Monday, so I don’t know if there will be time. But I’d be very happy to take something for your friend. I’ll send you an email about it.

    Ryan / 5:09pm / 17 January 2007

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