We're sitting in the boarding lounge waiting to go to Bangkok. There was a news report on the television with the headline Bangkok Airport Woes: Officials claim that runways must be closed to repair cracks.
Sorry mum.
We're sitting in the boarding lounge waiting to go to Bangkok. There was a news report on the television with the headline Bangkok Airport Woes: Officials claim that runways must be closed to repair cracks.
Sorry mum.
0.075 seconds
so have you been sitting in sydney airport for 12 hours?
howie / 10:44pm / 22 January 2007
You don’t need to be sorry so long as you don’t die, OK?
Jem / 8:14am / 23 January 2007
No. We were sitting in Singapore airport. Good old free airport internet.
Ryan / 8:16pm / 8 February 2007
We didn’t die either. Bangkok’s runways seemed to be as structurally sound as ever.
Ryan / 8:16pm / 8 February 2007