

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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17 March 2007

Green Drugs

Other parties must love the Greens. The Greens always choose to take the nuanced stance on any issue, and that is the surest way to make yourself vulnerable. The only argument I've ever heard against the Greens' drug policy is "WTF? They're all loonies." You probably can make a reasonable argument for better drug treatment without decriminalising it, but no one ever bothers. I'm inclined to agree with decriminalisation because I don't understand how it's a criminal issue.

I'm not even sure how I feel about criminalised drug production. I think I'd prefer for there to be heavy regulation and labelling like there is for cigarettes. But I'm more comfortable with the idea that there are victims of drug production, although I think it's a very liberal use of the term "victim".


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