

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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17 March 2007

Minister for Ageing

The Minister for Ageing has been sacked for owning the wrong sorts of shares. You have to wonder if next week Howard is going to announce that Kevin Rudd once owned shares he should have disclosed.


  1. Indeed!

    Janet / 12:42pm / 17 March 2007

  2. I did think that when Howard and Costello launched the ‘morally-and-politically-compromised-if-you-met-the-wrong-bloke” attack on Rudd that it would backfire. Stands to reason that after 11 years in Government, there have been more opportunities for dodgy dealings from Government members. than the Opposition And the Libs are the more ‘pro-business’ party.

    Shady share deals from Santo, Mandarin langugage lessons for Mandy, and rorted printing allocations for Andrew Laming seem to bear this out.

    But at that level of politics there do seem to be plenty of opportunities for bad behaviour in government and in opposition.

    ben / 2:38pm / 18 March 2007

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