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23 March 2007

Brief or trivial

Have I been outblogging people so convincingly lately because I write shorter posts or just because I'm more trivial? My weekly tally hasn't gone below 20 for ages. Like at least a week. Maybe I just have more spare time. I feel like I do have a lot. But then if spare time was the criteria you'd think Howie or Jenny would be kicking arse.

This post would lead me to think that briefness and triviality both play an important part in my blogging dominance.


  1. Does it matter why your outblogging them all? Just be proud. :)

    You might like the Vegan Forums.

    Veagn Scott / 7:11am / 23 March 2007

  2. what the hell, we have hardly any spare time.
    I believe your over zealous approach to blogging is due to the fact that you are supposed to be studying or working on something, you get distracted by the wonders of the web then need to blog about it.

    howie / 8:42am / 23 March 2007

  3. i’m not sure where the impression of heaps of spare time is coming from with all you people. i’m going to assume Howie gives the impression. we don’t actually have heaps of spare time. well, i don’t.

    jenny / 8:49am / 23 March 2007

  4. I was mostly making fun of Robert. Having just read your post about cooking dinners, you seem pretty busy.

    Ryan / 9:21am / 23 March 2007

  5. It’s probably the same place the idea you guys have that I don’t do any work comes from. FYI I’m going to work today. I’ll be there from 2pm! No one can say that I don’t work.

    Tom / 9:23am / 23 March 2007

  6. what time are you leaving work tom

    howie / 10:47am / 23 March 2007

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