

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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1 April 2007

Trade and happiness

There are many articles by pinko lefties about the need for trade protection and so many articles by neoliberal fascists about the need to demolish trade protection. It is frustrating because they both want the same thing but are essentially oblivious to the point the other side is making. Both sides have 100% valid points. Some workers do get hurt by free trade and other workers get hurt by unfree trade. The pinks are making the dynamic argument and the fascists are making the static one. Pinkos are worried about the process (as usual) and the fascists are worried about the outcome (as usual).

I've probably said this before (possible many times) but why can't we agree to remove trade protections slowly. You eventually get the static benefits without the dynamic costs. Why do the fascists need free trade right this minute when protected trade has worked pretty well for hundreds of years? And why do the pinkos care if their children end up working in different jobs to them? The ugly friction of economic transition disappears in the long run. That friction is the only problem pinkos have with free trade. They make themselves look silly when they act like it isn't. And the fascists make themselves look like total fascists when they abstract from pain that thousands of people will feel when a whole industry vanishes overnight.

I think a lot of people feel that if it's not worth doing today it's not worth doing at all. But a lot of the best things happen slowly. Like fancy cheese, wine and children, which I think most people would agree are all pretty damn good.


  1. Especially your mum!

    Janet / 11:16pm / 1 April 2007

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