

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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2 April 2007

Average swimming speed?

Google Maps tells you how to get from New York to Dublin via a vigorous swim across the Atlantic ocean. It even tells you which US wharf is the best to leave from. It estimates the whole journey should take about 29 days. I wonder if they've factored in time to take short rests during the swim. I get puffed swimming the whole length of an olympic pool, so I for one wouldn't be making the whole trip without a few breaks.


  1. Oh the joy. I’m so pleased you blogged that.

    Tom / 5:11pm / 2 April 2007

  2. It’s a total winner.

    Ryan / 1:26am / 3 April 2007

  3. Oh, such mirth this has provided to the office. Love it!

    Janet / 3:01pm / 3 April 2007

  4. Only google can get away with that.

    Willem / 7:59pm / 5 April 2007

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