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29 April 2007

Blogfeed Atomfeed

Blogfeed now has it's own Atom Feed. Given that I just forgot (for a minute) how this post was different to my post a few days ago about Atom and Blogfeed, most of you will probably also wonder. Chris asked for this, but I'm certainly not convinced that it provides any value. Hopefully it does for Chris. At least I learnt about Atom.


  1. haha, you need not have bothered just for me. but thanks. it means i can add an RSS bookmark in firefox, and not have to reload the page everytime just to see if there’s anything new. or i can subscribe in evolution, but that seems to be broken at the moment..

    chris / 7:22pm / 29 April 2007

  2. I’m always up for a distractory challenge. I just like complaining as well.

    Evolution might not like Atom 1.0. It’s slightly new.

    Ryan / 11:39am / 30 April 2007

  3. One problem is that Blogfeed isn’t a true stream of everything that gets written. The Atom feed only shows the latest post since the last update. So if your feed reader only updates every hour (or every few days) you’ll miss a lot of posts. It might make sense for the Atom feed to merge everyone else’s feeds completely.

    Ryan / 2:18pm / 30 April 2007

  4. If you want to do that then you may as well just subscribe to peoples individual feeds in a feed reader.

    Luke / 8:59am / 2 June 2007

  5. Yep. I’ve thought that before. But I think there is some value in a centralised list of “blogs in our general community” over and above “blogs I like to read”. You don’t end up with a lot of ex-bloggers sitting around in your reader either.

    Ryan / 11:34am / 2 June 2007

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