

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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8 May 2007

Bus Driver

I was catching a 370 bus the other day, as I do most days. I checked the timetable and decided I had 5 minutes so I got out my book and started reading it. It was Fitzgerald, so I totally missed the bus coming down the road and failed to flag it correctly. Luckily it almost hit another 370 hopeful running across the road and had to slow down, giving my time to hail it. When I got on I had this little conversation.

Me: Sorry, I didn't think you were going to be there for another few minutes.
Driver: Why would you think that?
Me: The timetable said that..... Driver: Oh don't read those. They'll only confuse you. They just put those there to make people angry.


  1. That is fantastic!

    Finally they admit timetables have no relevance..

    David / 11:28am / 9 May 2007

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