Somewhere along the way the Cardigans accidentily became one of my favourite bands. I can't even remember how they ended up in iTunes, but now I listen to them all the time.
Somewhere along the way the Cardigans accidentily became one of my favourite bands. I can't even remember how they ended up in iTunes, but now I listen to them all the time.
0.105 seconds
yeah i think one day long ago sally phillis told me she loved them and i bought the cd. that was long, long ago. so it may have got put onto your computer and ended up on your i-tunes somehow that way….
jo french / 9:52pm / 31 May 2007
Wow. That is long ago.
I think I started liking them before you would have ever been near my computer. I was definitely listening to them in Marrickville. And I have three of their albums. Most/all of which I don’t think were bought through legal/proper channels.
Ryan / 9:56pm / 31 May 2007