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8 June 2007

Toilet education

Another disadvantage [to CDs and internet courses] is that unlike the book, [they] cannot be read from bed or the toilet.

Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies: Opportunities and Challenges

I've been reading about the advantages and disadvantages of online learning. As you can see, there are still some serious impediments to widespread adoption of online education.


  1. i have be known to take my laptop to the toilet with me.
    the joys of wireless

    howie / 7:25pm / 8 June 2007

  2. I thought that if anyone was going to comment on that post it would be you.

    Ryan / 7:26pm / 8 June 2007

  3. hhmmm, laptop on the toilet may be a bit too far for me but there’s no doubt that my reding becomes 10x more efficient when i’m on the loo. I must have learnt as much on the toilet as i have at uni.

    Miles / 8:14pm / 10 June 2007

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