

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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28 June 2007

Research Methods

I got my mark back for my silly research methods assignment, which I wrote nearly all of in the last 8 hours. I got 85 for it, even though I was ready to throw in the towel the night before. And the result was a mess. The writing style was appalling. Most of it didn't even get read over, so there were no drafts. I threw in whatever graphs I could think of. I hardly even answered the questions. Importantly, though, I copied as plagiaristically as possibly could from the example report. I put in everything they had ever suggested we put in a report. And it worked.

But my first assignment, which I did a lot of work on, I did crap in. I even made sense, and felt like I'd created a reasonable and useful research brief. I got 69 for that one. Stupid arbitrary world.


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