

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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4 July 2007


Boardface which is Gotye's old 2004 is really tops as well. Good on him.

I got both his albums posted to me from Melbourne. They're cheaper and Wally seems to post them himself, so he might get more money.

I need to add two more albums to the list of albums I would never have bought if it wasn't for music piracy.


  1. I curse the day music piracy latched it’s soulless fingers onto me! I would have so few CD’s and so much money if this whole downloading thing never came about…

    ps Spellcheck? This seems new, and snazzy, i like it!

    Miles / 5:44pm / 4 July 2007

  2. Did you upgrade Firefox? I haven’t put any spellcheck on the site, but it could be Firefox doing it.

    Ryan / 6:06pm / 4 July 2007

  3. FFX has spellcheck.

    It even corrected me for misspelling Ubuntu after I posted on a forum that I installed it.

    Willem / 11:54pm / 4 July 2007

  4. hhmmm, yes i did just upgrade firefox, what a nice surprise.

    Miles / 12:20pm / 5 July 2007

  5. yay! While last week all the Gotye shows were sold out now one of them isn’t! They must have released more tickets or something, anyway: Ryan you now have a ticket to see Gotye on the 29th of July at 2:00pm.

    Miles / 2:54pm / 5 July 2007

  6. Sweet!

    Ryan / 2:59pm / 5 July 2007

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