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12 July 2007

Exit the King

I went to Exit the King tonight by myself. I wasn't sure if I was meant to find somebody to take mum's ticket, or even if I was meant to be going tonight. As it turned out, I was meant to be going and I should have got someone else to go with me to take the spare ticket.

Sadly, it was so extraordinarily bad that I left in the intermission. I've never done that before, because normally when it's that bad the theatre is half empty and I feel sorry for the actors. Geoffrey Rush was in this one, so the place was packed. I didn't feel so bad leaving.

Other people in the audience seemed to be laughing, but I reckon it was the worst Belvoir play I've seen, possibly equalled by the Threepenny Opera which we were ever so close to walking out of.

Instead of watching the end I went to Sagar South Indian restaurant to test out their masala dosas. Very good they were. Definitely a candidate for dosa club were it ever to recommence. I was the only person in the restaurant and I had a long chat with the waiter while I was eating. He had arrived from India recently and was a funny fellow indeed. He told me about this story he'd read and loved called The Silver Candlesticks. It was about this convict who stays the night as this bishops house and then steals his silver candlesticks. But when the police catch the convict the bishops tells them the candlesticks were a gift. I told the waiter that it sounded quite like another story I've heard about, but he insisted it was a different one.


  1. Sounds like a scene from Les Mis, eh?

    Janet / 6:33pm / 21 July 2007

  2. Yep. Sounds pretty similar.

    Ryan / 1:57pm / 22 July 2007

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