

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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12 July 2007

Fuel Economy

Mum's Citroen has a little display that tells you your fuel economy over the past few kilometers. It is giving me so much joy trying to get the numbers way down. I got most of the way home from the city at 5.4L/100km. Which dropped to 5.2L on the Newcastle freeway near Asquith.

It also made me realise how much higher Hornsby is than the city. You can pretty much roll most of the way from mum's house to Enmore if you set your mind to it.


  1. You should try and get from Asquith to Enmore only turning right

    howie / 11:52am / 13 July 2007

  2. I don’t think that would be so good for the fuel economy. But I’ll try it, just the same.

    Ryan / 9:29pm / 13 July 2007

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