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15 July 2007

Shootin’ Aces

I like Ryan Reynolds when he has a gun and that is why I hired this film. It also had Alicia Keys in it, and Bob Dylan likes her so I figured I probably would as well. I did too. It was a cracker of a blood orgy. It didn't really stop. I reckon it's the sort of film that lots of action directors hope to make at some point in their life. The idea was to get as many professional killers from different backgrounds into the same building at once, and have them all try and hit one guy. A very simple idea and as you'd expect it offers plenty of opportunity for extravagant killing of protagonists, antagonists and bystanders alike.

I enjoyed it a lot. The violence was rather beautiful. You could tell they spent a long time working out every scene. You have to appreciate directors to take pride in their violence.


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