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18 July 2007

Children of Men

Children of Men was beautiful, but probably not as good as I was expecting. I can't put my finger on what was missing. As a piece of art though, it was brilliant. Wonderful long shots. Amazing sets. Perhaps the problem was the lack of purpose. It was that you didn't feel the characters had a sense of urgency, but I couldn't relate to the urgency. Their destination was mostly symbolic. The relationships were pragmatic. The girl was only important because of what she had. That was the nature of the world they were living in to a large extent, but I didn't feel like it made for a satisfying story.


  1. I really liked children of men, it was a pleasant surprise because i didn’t really expect much from it when i went to see it. I’ve only watched it once and that was last year so i can’t put my finger on the issues you had, i just remember a general sense of hopelessness pervading it.

    I thought the violence worked really well, it wasn’t used gratuitously but realistically, really punctuating scenes. It was sudden and shocking. I’d say it was violence that was not there to entertain, which is not something you usually find in actiony films.

    Miles / 1:25pm / 19 July 2007

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