

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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10 August 2007

Four Land Rovers

In the same article I referred to the other day, they had a whole lot of "myths" that they used research to question. The funniest one, which I forgot to mention, related to the use of diesel trains in rural areas of the UK. The "myth" is that public train transport is always more energy-efficient than driving around 4WDs. Some people did some research and found that when diesel trains have four people or fewer on them, it is better for the environment to give the people Land Rovers and get them to drive those. What a startling find! If you only put four people on a train instead of the 1000 or so it's designed for, the energy efficiency per passenger goes down.

What really disturbs me is the implication that four Land Rovers use about as much fuel per kilometer as a freaking diesel train.


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