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17 August 2007

Goodbye Movable Type

I was just thinking to myself how good life has been since we all left Movable Type behind. What an arse of a blog system that was. Obviously much better than something like, say Blogger, but still pretty damn awful. I'm not wanting to suggest that WordPress isn't a bit crap, because it is, but boy do I love it.

  • 1:54pm
  • Web


  1. jenny really should move to wordpress

    howie / 1:58pm / 17 August 2007

  2. Yep. I could remove it from the system then and that would be good. I’m actually amazed it’s still running. Considering how often I move stuff around and how often I break the stuff I actually care about.

    Although maybe there’s a moral in that. There isn’t necessarily a positive relationship between my attentiveness to something and it’s state of workingness.

    Ryan / 2:03pm / 17 August 2007

  3. Roller is quite good aswell…


    Ries van Twisk / 4:49am / 9 October 2008

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