

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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19 August 2007

Google Apps

Google Apps is a beautiful piece of online software. I'm hopeless at maintaining servers and all that jazz. I always screw up the packaging for accidentily delete everyone's mail so I have room for more videos of fish. Google Apps makes email so easy. It makes a few other things really easy too, but most of other things it makes easy aren't that useful. But the mail. Very good.


  1. i completely agree. handling multiple email accounts was such a mission before gmail came along. my only gripe is, i haven’t yet figured out how to set different signatures.. which is pretty minor really..

    chris / 9:55am / 23 August 2007

  2. I don’t think you can set up multiple signatures in the same account. It’s signature stuff is a bit anemic. Though I’ve never used them anyway, so I don’t mind that.

    Ryan / 10:55pm / 23 August 2007

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